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X-rays, by in large, are a great medical tool which assist doctors in making diagnoses and provide an internal view of the human body without making surgical incisions. However, this technology is not 100 percent safe. There are inherent risks due to the fact that X-rays rely on radiation (as the name implies). As an injury lawyer who represents people adversely effected by radiation exposure, this issue is important to me.

The most disturbing risk is the development of cancer. High frequency and exposure to radiation has been shown to cause genetic damage which leads to cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Studies show that young people are at a higher risk due to the fact that they accumulate more radiation exposure over the years. Surprisingly, women are more susceptible to cancer development from X-ray exposure than men, even with the same level of exposure.

Here’s a video discussing the risks associated with X-rays:

There’s also a chance of developing cataracts and skin burns from X-rays. Once again, this usually occurs when you’re exposed to high levels of radiation and with fluoroscopy (i.e. continuous x-ray imaging) procedures, according to the FDA.

These risks do not mean you should avoid X-rays. Here are some simple steps you should follow when it comes to handling X-ray exposure:

  • Ask if you can use a lead apron or shield can be used
  • Don’t always ask for an X-ray
  • Ask your dentist if they use E or F speed film for X-rays since these films are much more efficient and reduce exposure
  • Remain aware of your X-ray history

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton is a law firm which focuses on injury and accident law and our attorneys have experience handling medical malpractice cases. Check out our case results to see for yourself. In addition, check out our FREE special reports on the Top 10 Tips from a Medical Malpractice Insider and the top 5 surgical errors you must know about. Our primary office in based in Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA) and we also have a North Carolina (NC) law office. Our lawyers hold licenses in NC, SC, WV, KY and DC. We are ready to talk to you by phone right now—we provide free initial confidential injury case consultations, so call us toll free at 1-800-752-0042. Our injury attorneys also host an extensive injury law video library on Youtube . Furthermore, our lawyers proudly edit the Virginia Beach Injuryboard and Norfolk Injuryboard as a pro bono public information service.


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