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Many men and women who participate in intense workouts and body building are aware of the dangers associated with steroids. Therefore, a popular strategey is to take steroid alternatives or synthetic steroids in the hopes these supplements will provide physical gain without the side effects. Unfortunately, these supplements are just as dangerous as the real thing and should be avoided.

Our firm has experience writting about the dangers associated with certain supplements.

The FDA recently issued a public health advisory on supplements containing synthetic steroids and steroid alternatives due to their link with side effects comparable to traditional steroid use including liver failure, altered hormone production, hair loss, testicular shrinkage, and stroke, according to the FDA.

The products mentioned in the advisory include TREN XTreme, ESTRO XTreme, MASS XTreme (containing an ingredient called Madol), and many others. Jeff Novitzky, the lead investigator for the FDA, stated in an affidavit that “Tren” and “Madol” are legally classified as anabolic steroids based on his interpretation of federal law, according to Iron Magazine.

I applaud Mr. Novitzky’s effort to highlight the dangers associated with supplements containing synthetic steroids and steroid alternatives. Many people took these supplements under the premise that they were safe substitutes.

If you’ve taken these types of products, I strongly urge you to not only seek medical attention but also consult with an attorney.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm is based in Virginia (VA), near the NE North Carolina (NC) border and handles car,truck,railroad, and medical negligence cases and more. Our lawyers proudly edit the Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard, and Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard as a pro bono public information service. Lawyers licensed in: VA, NC, SC, WV, DC, KY.


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