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A new Propecia hair loss drug lawsuit in New York alleges that the product caused him several sexual problems after he took the hair replacement drug.The complaint is one of 140 other lawsuits on Propecia that allege such side effects.

This particular complaint was filed into multidistrict litigation in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Multidistrict litigation was first established in April 2012, as the lawsuits regarding Propecia and sexual dysfunction continued to increase. Multidistrict litigation is used where there are many lawsuits filed with related complaints, with the idea to streamline the pretrial proceedings.

This Propecia sexual side effects suit claims that he started to take the male pattern baldness drug for 18 months, beginning in 2004. He was unaware of the risks of the drug, the lawsuit states, even though Merck had gotten reports of sexual side effects as early as 1991. Rather than putting warning labels on the product, the company continued to market the product as a cure for hair loss, and downplaying the risks and side effects.

The plaintiff states that he suffered libido loss, orgasm and ejaculation dysfunction, fatigue and depression. These side effects are persistent, serious and permanent, long after he stopped taking the drug, the plaintiff alleges.

Sexual side effects have been a common complaint for some of the men who took Propecia, and also the lower dose version – Proscar. These drugs are suspected to cause erectile dysfunction, as well as ejaculation and orgasm problems. Many medical professionals have stated that sexual side effects could be a bigger issue than Merck states on its product label.

FDA ordered changes to the Propecia label in 2012 that listed the sexual side effects, and also that some men have the problems after they stopped taking the drug.

Unfortunately, the FDA warning for Propecia came too late to help the plaintiff in this case. As our Virginia law firm has seen all too often, sometimes drug companies understate the serious risk of terrible side effects of their drugs, such as a recent case with Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella. is a personal injury law firm based in Virginia that blogs about dangerous drugs and underreported side effects.

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