Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and brain injuries are more common than you may think. Nearly 1.7 million Americans fall victim to a TBI every year and nearly half of those are caused by a car accident. By learning the difficulties that these TBI survivors go through you will have a greater understanding and level of empathy to their struggles and avoid putting your foot in your mouth in front of a friend or loved one.
You Look Fine to Me
Many TBI victims suffer from a closed brain injury. This may mean they don’t have a scar or any visible signs of injury. But there is often hidden brain damage that can be much more debilitating than a limp or a scar. Memory loss or behavioral and impulse control issues are both examples of hidden brain damage. Because of this lack of immediate visibility, insurance companies or liable parties often claim that there is no brain damage at all. Other invisible signs of a brain injury are fatigue, insomnia, chronic pain, depression, or anxiety.
Do You Know How Hard it is to Take care of You?
After handling many TBI cases successfully we recognize that many of our clients will need a lifetime of care. Choosing an experienced TBI law firm can help aide in gaining the resources needed for this undertaking. When families are forced to go it alone it can be very overwhelming. On a support board one care giver said,
“I am living with a person who happens to be recovering from a brain injury. I wonder how many cases of divorce and estrangement from families has resulted, because this is a difficult path and life. The care person is both resented and often necessary. The resentment hurts.”
Your loved one may feel very guilty but also may have problems with awareness, memory or apathy from the TBI. As a caregiver find someone else aside from the victim to vent with.
Stop Complaining at Least You’re Alive
A new study finds for the first time that victims with multiple traumatic brain injuries are more likely to be at risk for suicide, not only in the short term, but throughout their lifetime. Traumatic brain injuries are also linked to a significant increases in other psychological issues including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many victims may not feel lucky to be alive planning one small enjoyable activity a day may help make day to day life a little bit better for the victim.

One Comment
laura besser
as a survivor I have heard all those.i also want to add ''you are inspirational'' because if I hear that again,i will throw up.
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