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Virginia follows some special tort rules when it comes to blasting, electricity, explosives and gas. Any person who is involved with explosive products or blasting activities must use use a high degree of care, corresponding to the dangers involved, to prevent injury to others. If this is violated, there is “strict liability” on the person or company involved with the explosives. The law assumes that the dangerous activity carries with it a higher degree of care and safe practice requirements.

Electricity, wiring, and dangerous gases also fall into the category of extremely dangerous activities that require an extremely high degree of care by the company involved. Strict liability will be imposed on these companies if they injure or kill others. Strict liability means that the injured victim need not prove an awareness of the danger in advance – it is part of the high degree of care the law requires and mandates for those dealing with such activities.

These high duties particularly apply to utilities handling electricity or gas. These activities are usually considered inherently dangerous and may involve strict liability and increased care responsibilities if injuries due to the likelihood of serious injury or death due to these activities.

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