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Boating Accidents Decrease in Virginia, But Families Still Traumatized
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

The U.S. Coast Guard recently released the 2023 recreational boating statistics, which showed that fatalities decreased by 11.3 percent, totaling 564 in 2023 (compared to 636 in 2022). Non-fatal injuries also decreased by 4.3 percent, from 2,222 to 2,126.

In Virginia alone, eight people died in boating accidents in 2023, while 39 were injured, according to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR), Boating Division. The number of injuries was the same as in 2022, but the number of fatalities decreased from 17.

Though it’s great to see these decreases, the numbers of fatalities and injuries still represent individuals and families who were traumatized by accidents on the water. Like car accidents, boat accidents are often caused by someone else’s negligence.

Our Virginia Beach boating accident attorneys are happy to evaluate the evidence in your case to determine who may have been responsible for your accident. We have the experience you need and will zealously pursue the compensation you deserve.

What Causes Boating Accidents?

In reviewing the data from 2023, the U.S. Coast Guard noted that the most frequent boating accidents involved collisions with other vehicles or objects, and groundings. Thus, it is always important for craft operators to keep an eye out, obey navigational aids, and proceed at a safe speed.

Unfortunately, inexperienced boaters often cause accidents on the water. The Coast Guard noted that deaths occurred mostly on vessels operated by those without the proper boating safety training or instruction.

In 2023, where the level of training and instruction was known, inexperienced operators accounted for 75 percent of fatalities. Only 15 percent of deaths occurred in vessels where the operator had received a certificate from a nationally approved boating safety organization.

Alcohol use was also a leading known contributor in fatal boating accidents. When the primary cause was known, alcohol was listed as a leading factor in 17 percent of deaths.

Speeding remains a problem as well. According to the Coast Guard, besides operator inexperience, excessive speed was one of the top five primary contributing factors in accidents. The others included operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, and machinery failure.

Boating Education is Critical for Public Safety

According to, a delegated provider of boating licensing, statistics show that nearly three-quarters of deaths that occur on boats “took place on vessels where the operator didn’t have any (or enough) boating safety education.”

An inexperienced boater is more likely to cause an accident than one who has been properly trained. Collisions, for instance, occur more frequently when boaters don’t know or follow right-of-way regulations and the proper rules of navigation. Ongoing education, as well, allows boaters to stay up-to-date with changing regulations and best practices for safe operation.

If you were injured in a boating accident, we will examine available records to determine if the other party or parties involved were properly educated in boating safety. If not, that is a piece of evidence that will weigh in your favor in a boating accident lawsuit.

When Should You Consider Hiring a Boat Accident Injury Attorney?

Most likely, you will go to your insurance company for compensation after a boating accident. But insurance companies have a reputation for trying to protect their bottom lines by offering you the lowest possible payout.

You may believe you can negotiate with your insurance company on your own, but our Virginia Beach boating accident attorneys can help by calculating your true damages and negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf. We look into everything you may need to include in your demand, including liability, medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and more.

If you or someone you care about suffered a serious injury in a boat accident, contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp as soon as possible to schedule a free consultation. We can help make sure you receive the compensation you deserve as we did for these parents who received a $900,000 settlement after their child suffered a debilitating injury after a near-drowning.

In addition to Virginia Beach, Virginia, we also serve the Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Hampton areas, as well as Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.



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