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two vehicles after a collision on an interstate
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

One of the most common car accident injuries is a concussion. In fact, vehicle accidents are the third most common cause of brain injuries each year in the United States. Although a concussion is referred to as a “mild” traumatic brain injury, it can be anything but mild. Almost 15 percent of all fatal brain injuries are sustained in car accidents.

Each Virginia Beach car accident lawyer at our firm understands the impact that all brain injuries can have on a victim and their family, even a concussion. It is not uncommon for these injuries to leave long-term effects that the victim has to deal with. Multiple studies have been done that show that sustaining a concussion can leave the victim at risk of serious health issues in the future.

In one study led by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that a single head injury could lead to dementia later in life. The researchers found that a person who suffered one concussion had a 1.25 times increased risk of dementia, while those who had suffered two or more concussions in their lifetime were at double the risk of a person who had never experienced a concussion. Other major studies have shown that concussion increases the risk of the victims developing Parkinson’s disease and suffering a stroke.

Signs of a Concussion

Many people do not realize right away that they have suffered a concussion. This is why it is important to seek medical attention immediately following a car accident, even if the crash appears to be a minor one.

Symptoms of a possible concussion include:

  • Changes in sleep habits
  • Disorientation or confusion
  • Double vision
  • Headaches
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Mood changes
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Sensitivity to stimuli
  • Slurred speech
  • Unequal pupil dilation

Contact Our Personal Injury Law Firm for Legal Assistance

As mentioned above, even a minor brain injury can cause potentially serious issues. A more serious brain injury often causes long-term or permanent issues requiring rehabilitative care.

Brain injury victims face high medical bills for diagnostic testing, treatment, and therapy. There are often lost wages because the victim is unable to work while they recover from their injuries.

In addition to these financial losses, there are other losses that the victim may suffer that can entitle them to financial compensation. Pain and suffering, mental anguish, and any long-term or permanent disability the injury may leave the victim with are all issues that can be pursued in a personal injury lawsuit

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury in a crash, our Virginia car accident lawyers can pursue financial damages against the at-fault driver that will assist your family in providing the care your loved one needs, including future medical care, loss of income, pain, mental anguish, and permanent disability, like the $340,000 award we obtained for one client who suffered a brain injury in a car accident caused by a distracted driver.

Contact the legal team at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp today to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation and learn how we can help.



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