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Is There an Open Recall on Your Vehicle?
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

When you purchase a vehicle, the assumption many people make is that other than routine maintenance and repairs, that vehicle should be safe to operate. Otherwise, why would it be put on the market? Unfortunately, as our Virginia Beach product injury attorneys can attest to, that assumption is far from the truth given that there are hundreds of vehicle recalls issued every year. In fact, it is estimated that since 2000, there have been more than 12,000 vehicle recalls issued. This is why it is important for all vehicle owners to routinely check for auto recall alerts in order to ensure the safety, reliability, and compliance of their vehicles with manufacturer standards.

Recall Alert Process

Recalls are issued by automobile manufacturers when a defect or safety concern is identified in a vehicle model, part, or system. The vehicle recall alert process begins with the identification of safety concerns or defects by automobile manufacturers, government agencies, or regulatory bodies. These concerns may arise from reports of accidents, consumer complaints, internal testing, or regulatory compliance evaluations.


Once safety concerns are identified, manufacturers conduct investigations and analysis to determine the root cause of the issues and assess their potential impact on vehicle safety, performance, or compliance with regulatory standards. This process may involve internal testing, data analysis, engineering assessments, and collaboration with regulatory agencies.


Manufacturers are required to notify relevant regulatory agencies, such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the United States, of any safety-related defects or non-compliance issues identified in their vehicles. This notification triggers an official investigation by regulatory authorities to evaluate the scope and severity of the safety concerns.

Recall Issued

Once the safety concerns are confirmed, manufacturers issue a recall notice to inform vehicle owners about the specific defect, its potential consequences, and the recommended course of action. Recall notices typically include detailed instructions on how to address the issue, such as scheduling a repair appointment at an authorized dealership or service center.

Manufacturers use various channels to distribute recall notices to vehicle owners, including direct mail, email, phone calls, and online notifications. In some cases, regulatory agencies may also publish recall information on their websites or through public announcements to reach a wider audience. Additionally, vehicle owners can check for recall information using their vehicle identification number (VIN) on manufacturer or government websites.


Vehicle owners are encouraged to contact their local dealership or authorized service center to schedule a repair appointment as soon as possible after receiving a recall notice. Manufacturers typically cover the cost of repairs or replacements associated with recalls, ensuring that affected vehicles comply with safety standards and regulations.

Ignoring or neglecting auto recall alerts can have serious consequences, including safety risks, legal liabilities, and potential financial losses. Many people fail to have their recalled vehicles repaired. It is estimated that more than one-third of recalled vehicles are never repaired and are still on the road.

Contact a Virginia Beach Personal Injury Lawyer Today

At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, our Virginia product injury attorneys know how devastating a defective product accident can be for a family. Our personal injury firm represented the estate of a man who was killed when the lawnmower he was on exploded and burnt him to death Not only was the manufacturer aware that the plastic fuel tank and fuel line connection were insecure, but they had designed a new fuel tank within a year after the victim had purchased his mower and never alerted consumers of the prior defect.

The company also denied there were any other reports of fires caused by their lawnmower, but an intensive investigation by our attorneys revealed not only that there were other reports but that the company was fully aware these reports existed. The jury found in favor of the victim’s family and awarded $2.5 million.

If you or someone in your family has been a victim of a defective or dangerous product, contact our office to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation and find out what legal options you may have.



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