Mesothelioma is a common health hazard caused by asbestos poisoning while working in industries that manufacture products made from this deadly material. Symptoms of asbestos poisoning may not show up immediately due to the long period of reaction latency which can cause symptoms not to show up for 10-40 years after initial exposure to asbestos.
If you feel you have been exposed to asbestos in any way, then it’s crucial to get tested. There are common illnesses that show as symptoms related to asbestos poisoning. In the event that your medical tests are positive for asbestos, then you may find yourself diagnosed with mesothelioma, pleural plaque, or asbestosis.
Asbestos poisoning may show gradual effects to the body but it can lead to serious illnesses which can put financial strain on you and your family. Employers have legal obligations to support your medical expenses, but if they do then they would have to confirm that your asbestos poisoning had been acquired from the work place. In many cases, this would imply guilt on their part and that is the last thing they would want to do as to avoid a costly lawsuit.
If you think that you exhibit symptoms of asbestos poisoning and that it was acquired from the line of work directly or indirectly, you need to have a competent personal injury lawyer who will help you receive the right compensation that you deserve. Don’t dilly-dally around and consult with your lawyer right away before it’s too late. Of course, never sign any documents presented to you by your employer until you meet withy your own attorney for their advice in regards to your asbestos exposure.
About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper, Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm (VA-NC law offices ) edits the injury law blogs Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard, and Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard as a pro bono service to consumers.
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