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The ultimate embarrassment: An experienced DEA agent demonstrates gun safety to children in Orlando, Florida, and during the videotaped safety discussion he accidentally shoots himself in the foot! In the aftermath, he is now suing the DEA! Why?

Paige alleges that the DEA intentionally leaked the tape to the media, and that the video has made him the butt of jokes on the internet, affecting his job and ability to work undercover.

Lee Paige was demonstrating gun safety to the Orlando Youth Minority Golf Ass’n in April 2004 when the 14 year veteran was telling them that he was the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun. Unfortunately, he then suddenly shot himself right in the foot. He was briefly suspended over the incident by the DEA. Paige has since discussed the incident on NBC’s Today, and said “It is something I had done hundreds of time thoughout my career,” while explaining that he had cleared the gun but forgot to release the magazine. Now, he says “it is something I can’t get away from.” His recently filed suit claims the DEA leaked the tape to the public causing him immense damages. Hummm.
This lawyer-editor’s view is that if Mr. Paige really wants this unfortunate incident to fade away, you do not file suit over the adverse publicity, thus ensuring even wider national publicity!! Weird but true news from the legal world.

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