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When the skies open up a dump a ton of rain on our roadways, caution is the name of the game. Unfortunately, not all drivers adhere to this principle which leads to some bad car wrecks. A major rainstorm in North Carolina (NC) led to two car wrecks that resulted in serious injuries and loss of life.

A car was driving down N.C. 43 when it hydroplaned, crossed the center line, and wound up getting hit by a dump truck. As a result, two people were killed and a young child was injured, according to

On the same day, another car hydroplaned at the intersection of U.S. 17 and Weyerhaeuser Road leading to eight injuries including injuries to three toddlers and two teenagers.

Hydroplaning is a common cause of car wrecks and can cause serious damage to your vehicle and the people inside. It occurs when a layer of water builds up between the tires of your car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle and the road surface. This leads to the loss of traction and puts the vehicle into a virtually uncontrollable slide.

In order to reduce the risk of hydroplaning, go below the speed limit when it has just rained heavily or if you are on the road when it is raining. Also, be extremely cognizant of the other vehicles on the road since not everyone obeys the speed limit, even in bad weather.

Both of the car accidents that occurred in N.C. were awful and they serve as an example of just how dangerous the roads can be after a bad storm.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper, Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm (NC-VA law offices ) edits the injury law blogs Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard, Virginia Beach Injuryboard, and Norfolk Injuryboard as a pro bono service to consumers.


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