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The driver of a tanker-truck remains in the hospital with severe burn injuries after a trucking accident on Interstate 95 in Cumberland County, North Carolina (NC).

It all started when the driver of a smaller pick up truck ran out of gas on Interstate 95 in Fayetteville, North Carolina (NC). A semi-truck stopped suddenly to avoid hitting the man on the highway. Frankie Graves of Goldsboro, North Carolina was following in his tanker truck behind the semi-truck; Grieves crashed in to the semi-truck, hitting the guard rail. The tanker truck he was driving caught fire. Graves was air lifted to the hospital.

No one else was injured in the truck accident, but Frankie Graves remains in the hospital with burns over 40% of his body.

Tragically, Graves likely faces a lengthy hospital stay and recovery period. Burn injuries are extremely painful and have a difficult treatment process. Burn injuries can affect not only the skin, but muscle tissue, blood and blood vessels as well. They can cause severe scarring and skin graft may be necessary to allow the victim to heal. Burn patients can remain in the hospital out of work for months while they recover from their injuries.

Working with the insurance company can become a nightmare with serious injuries like burns. These types of injuries require advanced medical treatments that may not be covered entirely by the insurance provider. They also take time to heal, meaning the victim may be out of work for several months resulting in lost wages and financial struggles. A personal injury attorney can work with the victim to ease the financial burdens brought on by serious accidents like these.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton is a law firm which focuses on injury and accident law and we have experience handling truck accidents. Read our case results to see for yourself. Our law firm has offices in Elizabeth City, North Carolina (NC) and Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA). Our lawyers hold licenses in NC, VA, SC, WV, KY and DC. We provide free initial confidential injury case consultations, so call us toll free at 1-800-752-0042. Our injury attorneys also host an extensive injury law video library on Youtube . In addition, our lawyers proudly edit the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard, as well as the Virginia Beach Injuryboard and Norfolk Injuryboard as a pro bono public information service.


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