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Barbara J. Morton was driving her Dodge Neon with her 3-year-old boy, Mikey Pound, when the drive took a tragic turn. She was on Sharon Church Road near Gaston when her Neon hit a Ford E-150. Morton’s vehicle was propelled into a ditch and burst into flames, according to The State.

Ray Shealy, the driver of the Ford E-150, failed to yield to Morton’s Neon. Nevertheless, he made a heroic effort to try and save both Barbara and her son. Fortunately, he was able to get the child out of the car and to safety, but was unable to save Barbara.

This stretch of road in Lexington County, South Carolina (SC) is usually quiet and not used to such a horrendous scene. Ricky Spires, who lived close by, also made a noble effort to try and save Barbara but could not. It wasn’t for a lack of trying. Her legs were blocked by the front dash of the Neon. The extreme temperatures from the flames made the situation even more volatile and limited the amount of time they could try to extract Barbara.

My deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of Barbara Morton. She was just 29 years old and had her entire life ahead of her. This is a tragedy and she was taken from this world far too soon.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton is a law firm which focuses on injury and accident law. Our law firm has offices in Elizabeth City, North Carolina (NC) and Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA). Our attorneys have handled thousands of automobile negligence cases involving cars, trucks, trains, and motorcycles. We would be pleased to send you one of our FREE reports about car accident cases, including our special report on distracted driving or our Best Guide to Car Accident Injuries in North Carolina. Our lawyers hold licenses in NC, VA, SC, WV, KY and DC. We are ready to talk to you by phone right now—we provide free initial confidential injury case consultations, so call us toll free at 1-800-752-0042. Our injury attorneys also host an extensive injury law video library on Youtube . In addition, our lawyers proudly edit the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard, as well as the Virginia Beach Injuryboard and Norfolk Injuryboard as a pro bono public information service.


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