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Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

More than 6 million motor vehicle accidents take place every year in the United States. That averages out to around 13 accidents every single minute. If you have been injured in an accident caused by a reckless driver, do not underestimate the severity of your injuries. If you were not the at-fault driver, the law allows you to pursue financial compensation, either from your insurance company or the other driver’s. By working with a respected Virginia car accident lawyer, you can bring the reckless driver to account and get the compensation you are entitled to.  

What reckless driving behaviors occur most often in Virginia?

If a reckless driver was responsible for your Virginia car accident and subsequent injuries, don’t jeopardize your chances of financial recovery. Contact the Norfolk auto accident lawyers at the personal injury law firm of Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to schedule your free case review with a member of our legal team. 

What Constitutes Reckless Driving?

Reckless is an umbrella term that encompasses many different types of behavior, primarily incompetence, human error, and negligence. Where the law is concerned, the phrase reckless driving could refer to numerous actions that go well beyond bad driving etiquette. 

Recent research has shown that some of the foremost causes of serious and fatal reckless driving accidents in Virginia are: 

Distracted Driving

From sending text messages and making phone calls to eating and drinking, distracted driving is far and away the number one source of injury-causing and deadly traffic accidents in Virginia and throughout the United States.  

Breaking Driving Laws

Sadly, some drivers are just indifferent to the safety of those around them. Unlawful driving actions like running red lights and stop signs, weaving across lanes of traffic, traveling on the shoulder, and lane splitting can catch other drivers off-guard and cause catastrophic accidents.  

Following too Closely

Looking in your rearview mirror and seeing the car behind you get closer and closer is as scary as it is dangerous. When a driver does not leave enough room between their car and the car in front of them, an unexpected lane change or a sudden stop can easily lead to a serious rear-end collision.  

Drunk or Drowsy Driving

Never get behind the wheel of your car if you are ill, under the influence, or sleep deprived. According to a report by The Sleep Foundation, being awake for just 20 hours impairs a driver’s cognitive function on a level that is equivalent to them having a .08% blood-alcohol level. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is against the law for the very same reason. Despite both of these actions being known driving dangers, people operate vehicles in these conditions every single day. 

How Can We Help Victims of Reckless Driving Accidents?

When a victim is injured in a car accident due to someone else’s reckless driving, they are entitled to pursue financial compensation from the driver who caused the crash. It takes a dedicated and experienced car accident lawyer to help reckless driving victims maximize their recovery and get the justice they deserve. 

After you sign with our law firm, we will walk you through the claims process from your free initial consultation with an attorney to collecting your payout by providing you with insightful advice, studying the evidence, and filing a lawsuit on your behalf. With assistance from our attorneys, your personal injury case will go through the following phases:

  • Sending a demand letter: Your attorney will send what is known as a demand letter to the at-fault driver. A demand letter details the lawsuit and lists your demands.
  • Discovery Phase: Vital information is gathered, evidence is examined, and any other potential proof of liability is handed over by the opposing party. All of this will be used to establish the severity and legitimacy of your case.
  • Settlement Negotiations: Once the case details have been identified, your attorney will negotiate a fair settlement amount with the other party.
  • Going to court: If the opposing party will not agree to a fair financial award, then your lawsuit will move to a court of law where it will be heard by a judge or jury. 
  • Collecting your compensation: Once a ruling has been made, you can collect your compensation.  

Contact a Virginia Reckless Driving Lawyer 

A respected personal injury law firm will be able to ensure that you receive appropriate financial recovery for your damages. Your lawyer will file a lawsuit and ensure that no deadlines are missed, negotiate with the insurance provider, and skillfully represent you in court if it is necessary. 

The Norfolk car accident lawyers at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp have over 40 years of experience in achieving positive results in serious car accident cases. Give our law offices a call at (833) 997-1774 and schedule your free case evaluation today. 

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