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An accident on Wesleyan Drive in Norfolk, Virginia resulted in the death of a 33-year-old Chesapeake native. The victim wound up pinned between two vehicles and succumb to his serious injuries.

The incident occurred on the 1500 block of Wesleyan Drive. A Dodge Stratus was reportedly traveling south when the driver stopped the vehicle so the passenger could get out to put items in the trunk. A Mazda CX-7 traveling in the same lane wound up colliding with the Stratus, pinning 33-year-old James Wilson between both vehicles, according to

Mr. Wilson was transported to Sentara Leigh Hospital where he later died.

My deepest condolences go out to the Wilson family. Losing someone you love is always heartbreaking, but the pain is made that much worse when the loss is sudden and totally unexpected. It also has to be infuriating to know that this tragic collision may have been prevented, if only the driver of the Mazda exercised proper caution and stopped before crashing into the Stratus.

The drivers of both vehicles were taken to local hospitals with injuries. In addition, an infant passenger in the Stratus was taken to the Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters with injuries.


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