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Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly created a lot of changes in our lives. Surprisingly, one of those changes is the slight reduction in car accidents and work injuries, due to stay-at-home orders, forcing many people to work from home. Even as states began easing up on restrictions, many companies continued to have employees work from home when possible. While vehicle and work injuries are on the decline, hospitals nationwide report increases in injuries caused by recreational vehicles, pediatric trauma, and domestic violence injuries.

What Types of Accidents Have Increase?

Overall, there has been a more than 30 percent reduction in vehicle accidents nationwide since the pandemic began. Business and school closures mean fewer commuters on the road. When the closures first began last year, there were many reports of highways being almost deserted, except for the number of trucks and delivery vehicles.

While the overall rate is down, the rate of car accidents caused by speeding has increased. This is likely due to drivers being laxer about obeying speed limits because there is often less traffic on the road. Keep in mind that high-speed crashes often result in more severe injuries.

Another increase that has occurred during the pandemic is that there has been an increase in children injured in car accidents. This is likely due to more children doing virtual learning, so parents need to take them with them when they run errands they normally run with children are usually in school. Hospitals across the county have reported an increase in pediatric car accident injuries over the past year.

Having children at home more has also resulted in an increase in child injuries from children engaging in “risky activities,” such as climbing trees, playing on stairs, and riding bikes in the street.

There has also been a dramatic increase in electrical shock and burn injuries. Hospitals report that these types of injuries have quadrupled since the pandemic started. One reason for this increase is that with people spending more time at home, they are engaging in more DIY projects or trying new hobbies.

People staying at home more also means many are spending their time using recreational vehicles. Injuries from boating accidents and ATV accidents have also increased over the past year.

Seeking Medical Treatment

One significant issue that has also come up during the pandemic is the ability to obtain medical treatment if a victim is injured. Many people are hesitant to go to the emergency room when they are injured because of their fear of catching COVID-19. This delay not only poses a risk of the injuries becoming worse, but that delay could also cause an issue in any personal injury lawsuit the victim may be entitled to pursue.

Let a Carolinas Personal Injury Attorney Help

If you are involved in a car accident caused by another driver or injured in any type of accident caused by another party, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the losses the crash has caused you. The at-fault party can be legally liable for your medical expenses, loss of income if you are unable to work, pain and suffering, emotional anguish, scarring, permanent disability, and more.

Call Shapiro, Appleton & Washburn today to set up a free and confidential case evaluation with one of our North Carolina personal injury attorneys to find out what your legal options are. Our legal team has been aggressively advocating for injured victims and their families for more than 35 years. We will work diligently to get you the money you deserve.


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