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Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

Even if you have a valid claim against a negligent property owner or business owner whose negligence was responsible for your premises liability accident, their insurance carrier is going to try to pay you as little compensation as they possibly can for your damages or even deny your claim altogether. One tactic insurance companies commonly engage in is to resort to underhanded surveillance tactics while your claim is being decided. It is important to know the methods they use to spy on you and what you can do to defend yourself.

If you were injured in a premises liability accident, the reputable Virginia premises liability lawyers from Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp can make sure you understand any liability laws that apply to your case and help you pursue the financial compensation to which the law entitles you. 

What Surveillance Tactics Are Commonly Used by Insurance Companies?

Your first and best line of defense against insurance company surveillance is to understand how and why they are spying on you. The ultimate goal of their reconnaissance is to record you saying something that suggests that you were to blame for your premises liability accident and injuries. They could also be trying to gather evidence that shows that your injuries are not as serious as you claim, such as getting pictures of you engaging in a chore or activity that you should not be able to perform due to your injuries. 

Ways that insurance companies commonly spy on victims include:  

  • A private investigator can tail you, maintain a stakeout, or record you. 
  • Your posts on your social media accounts can be repeatedly combed through by the insurance company’s lawyer or an insurance adjuster while your claim is awaiting action.
  • An insurance adjuster or private investigator could interview your colleagues, neighbors, close friends, and family members. 

Is There Anything I Can Do to Protect Myself Against Surveillance?

An insurance company can conduct this type of undercover work at any time while your claim is pending. This is something you have to be mindful of at all times. There are a few steps you can take to prevent them from digging up dirt they will be able to use against you:

  • Follow your physician’s orders: It is essential that you attend all of your doctor appointments and closely follow your doctor’s advice regarding your treatment and what activities are safe for you to do. Not only will you recover quicker but you will also deny the insurance company the ammunition they are looking for to claim that your injuries are not as severe as you say.  
  • Restrict your social media posting: Really, you shouldn’t be posting on any social media platform at all until your claim is settled. If you absolutely have to post on sites such as TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook, be very careful that you do not mention your accident, your injuries, your activities, or your case in general.  
  • Ask family and friends to exclude you from their social media: For the same reasons as mentioned above, ask your family and friends to refrain from posting anything about you or tagging you in any posts or photos. 
  • Refuse interviews: Never agree to provide the insurance adjuster with a recorded statement or an interview. Make sure that your colleagues, friends, and family know to deny any interview requests as well. 
  • Hire an attorney: Our experienced attorneys can suggest additional measures you can take to keep yourself protected, gather evidence that supports your case, and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

Talk to a Virginia Beach Premises Liability Lawyer Today

Are you concerned that you are being monitored by an insurance company? The most effective way to protect yourself against this kind of espionage and secure the full amount of financial compensation you are entitled to for your damages is to work with an experienced Virginia premises liability lawyer. To find out more about your rights and what we can do to help you, call the Virginia Beach law offices of Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp at (833) 997-1774 or through our website and schedule your free case review right away. 

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