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The Mayor of Washington D.C., Adrian Fenty, has been reported saying that this week’s fatal collision of two Metro subway trains illustrates the need for officials who operate the system to upgrade and modernize the fleet.

According to Mayor Fenty safety investigators are still trying to figure out the cause of the crash that killed nine and injured 80 more. Fenty argued that there’s no question that the issue of rail car safety is a valid one, conceding that they have to make some changes.

Additionally, Mayor Fenty said “we have to get rid of some of these cars that are not as crashworthy as they should be." He went on to mention that the District of Columbia ranks sixth among about 15 metropolitan areas with rapid transit systems and that improvements are in order.

The Mayor was quoted as saying "we can protect more people with stronger cars." It’s of importance to note that the system is operated jointly by the governments of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper, Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm (VA-NC law offices ) edits the Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard, and the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard injury law blog as a pro bono service to consumers. Lawyers licensed in: VA, NC, SC, WV, DC, KY, who handle car, truck, railroad, and medical negligence cases and more.


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