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A North Carolina (NC) Department of Correction employee is facing misdemeanor death by motor vehicle, failure to reduce speed, and driving while impaired after a fatal accident involving a Moped.

The man, David Craig Wemyss, was heading southbound on U.S. Highway 421 outside of Clinton, North Carolina (NC) in an SUV when he struck a Moped from behind. According to witness and the North Carolina Highway Patrol David Craig Wemyss was traveling around 55 mph at the time of the accident.

The driver of the Moped, Bruce Lee Holder, was thrown from the vehicle. Wemyss drove for over a mile with the Moped still attached to the hood of his SUV before stopping. Highway patrol troopers tested Wemyss’ blood alcohol level at the time of the Moped accident, but found no alcohol in his system. They believe that Wemyss’ was under the influence of another substance at the time. Tragically, Bruce Lee Holder died as a result of his injuries.

Driving while impaired is always dangerous and a driver can face serious charges if caught behind the wheel, even if they do not cause an accident. However, all drivers should take caution to share the road with smaller vehicles like a Moped. Smaller vehicles can be hard to spot, especially by an SUV which sits much higher then a regular car. While driving, always make sure to look carefully for smaller vehicles like Mopeds and motorcycles. Drivers of these smaller vehicles carry a much higher risk of injury or even death then a driver of a larger SUV.

About the Editors: The Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton law firm which focuses on injury and accident law. Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm is based in Virginia (VA), with an office also in Elizabeth City, in Northeast North Carolina (NC). Our attorneys have handled thousands of automobile negligence cases involving cars, trucks, trains, and motorcycles. We would be pleased to send you one of our FREE reports about car accident cases, including our special report on distracted driving or our Best Guide to Car Accident Injuries in North Carolina. Our lawyers hold licenses in NC, VA, SC, WV, KY and DC. We are ready to talk to you by phone right now—we provide free initial confidential injury case consultations, so call us toll free at 1-800-752-0042. Our Carolina injur law website is:, the firm edits the injury law blogs Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard, as well as the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard and also hosts a YouTube injury law video library covering many FAQ’s on personal injury subjects.

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