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Friends, family, and fellow students at Overhills High School in Spring Lake gathered at the sight of a fatal accident to remember 15-year-old Jonathan McKenzie from Linden, North Carolina (NC) who was struck and killed by a car.

Jonathan McKenzie was walking with a group of friends to a youth meeting at the Real Life Church on Ray Road when he was struck by a car driven by Terence Jones. Tragically, McKenzie died at the scene. The North Carolina Highway Patrol is still investigating the accident.

McKenzie was a junior ROTC cadet and had recently joined the worship band at the Real Life Church where he played the guitar. His family and friends were joined by members of the church as well as other ROTC leaders and cadets during a memorial held for the teenager. Overhills High School students planted a cross covered in signatures at the scene of the accident.

It is tragic when any life is cut short but it is especially difficult when accidents claim children and teenagers. Loosing a child is the worst thing a parent could go through and often almost impossible to bear. As a personal injury attorney, I have seen many tragic accidents involving teenagers and know first hand how difficult these situations can be on a parent. Parents need a helping hand sorting out medical bills, funeral costs, and other case needs so they can focus their time on being with their loved ones.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper, Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm (VA-NC law offices ) edits the injury law blogs Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard, and Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard as a pro bono service to consumers.

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