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A woman is in the hospital suffering from severe injuries after she was struck by a car.

According to the Charlotte Police Department, the woman was standing with her husband holding a baby on the corner of 6th Street and Poplar Street in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) when a car hit her. The woman was knocked into her husband who was holding the baby at the time.

The woman was taken to a local North Carolina (NC) hospital where she is being treated for serious injuries.

Sadly, pedestrian accidents seem to be a common occurrence in North Carolina. Earlier this year my colleague, Emily Mapp Brannon, wrote an article about a pedestrian who was struck and killed trying to cross South Tyron Street in Mecklenburg. In another case discussed by my colleague, Randy Appleton, a pedestrian was killed in Fayetteville and the driver fled the scene of the accident. Regrettably, these two incidents are only examples of a much larger problem.

As drivers we need to take caution around pedestrians. Pedestrians can be easily injured or killed when hit with the weight of a vehicle. Remember to always look twice when crossing an intersection, even if the light is green, as pedestrians can dart across the roadways. Also pay attention to pedestrians standing along curbs as they can easily come on to the road and be struck.

About the Editors: Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton is a law firm which focuses on injury and accident law. Our law firm has offices in Elizabeth City, North Carolina (NC) and Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA). Our attorneys have handled thousands of automobile negligence cases involving cars, trucks, trains, and motorcycles. We would be pleased to send you one of our FREE reports about car accident cases, including our special report on distracted driving or our Best Guide to Car Accident Injuries in North Carolina. Our lawyers hold licenses in NC, VA, SC, WV, KY and DC. We are ready to talk to you by phone right now—we provide free initial confidential injury case consultations, so call us toll free at 1-800-752-0042. Our injury attorneys also host an extensive injury law video library on Youtube . In addition, our lawyers proudly edit the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard, as well as the Virginia Beach Injuryboard and Norfolk Injuryboard as a pro bono public information service.


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