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Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
(833) 997-1774

Many medical malpractice victims feel that seeking financial compensation is a gamble. What if the hassle and stress aren’t worth it in the end? Thankfully, legal action concerning medical malpractice contains minimal risk for the victim while having the potential to provide them with a significant amount of compensation. 

What do all successful medical negligence claims have in common?

No two medical malpractice claims are the same. Your medical malpractice lawyer will need to evaluate the details of your case in order to correctly specify your chances of winning your lawsuit and any potential damages.

There are multiple factors that can impact whether or not you have a winning case. The better you understand them, the better you can understand your odds of winning. Ultimately, you will need to consult with an experienced Virginia medical malpractice lawyer to get a straight answer about the potential outcome of your case.  

If a nurse, doctor, or another healthcare worker caused you harm through negligence or wrongdoing, you could be eligible to collect financial compensation. If you feel that you were a victim of medical negligence, speak to a qualified Virginia medical malpractice lawyer at the personal injury law firm of Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp. We can examine your case and help you collect the financial compensation you are entitled to.

What is Considered Medical Malpractice in Virginia?

Medical malpractice refers to preventable injuries caused by the negligent action of a healthcare provider. Some of the most common medical malpractice claims are:

  • Incorrect procedure performed during surgery
  • Surgery on the wrong body part
  • Items left in the patient after surgery
  • Prescription medication errors
  • Birth injuries
  • Failure to diagnose/Misdiagnosis 

Injuries are an essential element of any medical malpractice claim. It is not enough for a doctor or surgeon to have simply made a mistake. The mistake must also have caused harm to the patient.  

How Can I Improve My Chances of Winning My Medical Malpractice Case?

There are multiple factors that can have a direct impact on your odds of success in a medical malpractice lawsuit, many of which are outside of your control. For instance, the degree of physical injury caused by the healthcare worker’s actions can influence whether or not your case is successful.

If your surgeon amputated the wrong arm, it is virtually impossible for him to claim that negligence was not a factor or that the injury you sustained was insignificant. Additionally, if the nurse or doctor has previous violations and/or complaints on their record, that could help your case by demonstrating that they have a history of questionable or negligent behavior. 

Due to the fact that there are several elements in your case that you will have absolutely no control over, it is crucial to focus on the elements that you can control.

Work With an Experienced Attorney 

Choosing an experienced medical malpractice attorney who has a track record of winning medical malpractice cases is the decision that will have the most impact on your case. An attorney with lots of experience will know how to construct the most compelling possible argument for negligence and how to maximize your financial compensation.

Keep Meticulous Records

The more evidence you can gather proving your medical care was substandard, the stronger your case is going to be. Always save any notes, records, bills, and any other documentation you receive. You may also request a copy of your medical records and keep notes on what you were told during meetings and follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider.

Be Careful What You Say

Never try to communicate directly with the insurance provider about any injury you suspect was caused by medical malpractice. Always talk to an attorney before you do anything else, then proceed in accordance with their advice. If you mistakenly say something you shouldn’t have to the insurance company, it can endanger your odds of receiving compensation.

Don’t Procrastinate

If you feel that you were a victim of medical negligence, contact a qualified attorney right away. You only have two years before Virginia’s civil statute of limitations expires and every day that you put off seeking legal advice you are further jeopardizing your case.  

Speak With a Virginia Medical Malpractice Attorney

It cannot be stressed enough that working with a skilled Virginia medical malpractice lawyer is usually the deciding factor in whether a case is won or lost. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, we assist clients who have been injured due to the negligence of a healthcare provider. Our approach to medical malpractice cases is client-focused and we are committed to you the compensation you deserve.

If a medical error caused you harm, it is in your best interests to ensure you have an experienced Virginia medical malpractice attorney on your side. Schedule a free case review by calling us at (833) 997-1774. 

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