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What Steps Should I Take if I Was Burned by a Defective Product?

Consumers can sustain life-changing burn injuries through the use of certain defective products, such as defective electronic cigarettes and lithium-ion batteries. When these products explode, they can cause devastating burns and other catastrophic injuries. Burn injury victims often require painful surgeries and skin grafts which can leave them permanently scarred or disfigured. Serious burn injuries can also include post-traumatic stress disorder along with other emotional damages brought on by the traumatic incident, severe pain, and disfigurement. If you or a member of your family sustained severe burn injuries due to a defective product and you have questions about pursuing compensation for your damages, please contact the Hampton personal injury lawyers at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to schedule a free consultation

What Types of Defective Products Can Cause Burn Injuries?

Some examples of dangerous or defective products that could potentially cause burn injuries include:

  • E-cigarettes and vape
  • Pressure cookers
  • Space heaters
  • Firearms
  • Propane heaters
  • Lithium-ion batteries 
  • Recreational vehicles
  • Airbags and other motor vehicle components
  • Electric blankets
  • Medical devices
  • Hoverboards
  • Health and beauty products
  • Kid’s toys
  • Cell phones/Cell phone accessories
  • Household appliances

Who Can Be Held Liable in a Defective Product Lawsuit?

For a product liability case to be successful, you have to prove that the product in question was unreasonably dangerous even when used as intended or used in a way that the manufacturer should have foreseen. You also have to prove that the inherent danger of the product already existed when it left the defendant’s hands. Potentially liable parties in a product liability lawsuit can include: 


The manufacturer of a product is responsible for any defects in its creation. It is not uncommon for more than one manufacturer to be involved in the making of a product, like when you buy a car with defective airbags.


Wholesalers are an important link in the supply chain. They facilitate the movement of products between those who manufacture them and those who sell them. In many cases, wholesalers can also deliver goods directly to consumers. If they knowingly sell a dangerous or defective product, they could be held liable for the resulting damages.  


The last line of defense between consumers and defective products is shop owners and retailers. Like wholesalers, if they deliberately sell defective or dangerous products to the public, they can be held responsible.  

To accurately determine liability for your burn injuries or other injuries caused by defective products, it is vital to work with an experienced Hampton personal injury lawyer to ensure you get the compensation to which you are entitled. Time is a factor in product liability cases since your claim for personal injury or wrongful death must be brought no later than two years from the day of your accident. 

How Will a Lawyer Help My Defective Product Case?

After their accident, burn injury victims are often unable to return to work until they are fully recovered. They are also prone to social isolation, particularly if they experience extensive scarring in a very visible area, such as their neck, face, or hands. Burn injury victims are also susceptible to harmful medical complications involving contracture or infection, both of which will need further medical care. For many victims, the economic hardship created by their hospital bills will leave their financial future looking grim as well. 

A knowledgeable Hampton defective product lawyer can conduct an investigation, determine exactly how the product caused your injuries, and help you build the strongest case possible for compensation. They will address questions such as:

  • Was the product defective in its design?
  • Was there a flaw in the manufacturing process that resulted in the product being defective?
  • Was the product properly tested to ensure it was safe for use?  
  • Did the product include a warning label that informed consumers of the potential dangers inherent in its use?  

If you were burned while using a defective or dangerous product, it is essential that you begin gathering evidence right away, including an account of the accident in your own words, the names and contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident, and any additional information you feel supports your case. 

Were You Burned by a Defective Product?

If a defective or dangerous product led to your serious burn injuries, you could be eligible to receive financial compensation for your medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain and suffering. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, our Hampton personal injury lawyers can examine the facts of your accident, and help you pursue the damages you deserve, like we did when we obtained a $2.5 million jury award for a man who was killed when his riding lawnmower went up in flames. To schedule a free consultation regarding your potential defective product case, call (833) 997-1774 or fill out our contact form. Our offices are located in Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach. 


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