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A news item about Virginia Beach injury law and red light cameras was just added to our law firm website under Firm News. Injury attorney John Cooper added the piece, talking about how the City of Virginia Beach has just installed red light cameras which will be able to electronically photograph and ticket people who don’t obey the red light signals at major intersections in the City. Red light cameras have been proven to reduce drivers running the red lights by half and reduced car crashes at the intersections by about 40 percent. These are staggering numbers and will definitely promote public safety on the roads in Virginia Beach. The main focus of our law firm practice is promoting safety by holding negligent drivers and their insurance companies responsible when they harm someone else on the road. We applaud the City of Virginia Beach taking this strong step to add about eight intersections that will have these red light cameras to prevent wrecks in the future.

Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm is based in Virginia, with offices in northeast NC and Virginia Beach (VA), practicing primarily in the southeastern U.S. and handles only injury law, including car, truck, railroad, and medical negligence cases and more. The firm’s website is:, the firm edits three injury law blogs: Virginia Beach Injuryboard & Norfolk Injuryboard, as well as the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard and also hosts a video library covering many FAQ’s on personal injury subjects

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